The Human Body's Complex Systems: Functions and Control

The Human Body's Complex Systems: Functions and Control

The Human Body's Functional Organization and Control of the "Internal Environment"

The science of physiology aims to elucidate the molecular and physical processes that underlie the genesis, growth, and evolution of life. Every form of life, from the tiniest virus to the biggest tree or the most complex human, has unique useful traits. Physiology, bacterial physiology, cellular physiology, plant physiology, invertebrate physiology, vertebrate physiology, mammalian physiology, human physiology, and many more subdivisions can thus be made within the broad field of physiology.

Physiology of Humans

Human physiology is the study of the particular traits and mechanisms that distinguish the human body as a living being. The existence of complicated control systems is the reason for our continued existence. Fear drives us to seek safety, while hunger drives us to sex as food. Feelings of cold cause us to seek out warmth. We reproduce and seek companionship due to other factors. Part of this automatic sequence of life is our ability to sense, feel, and know things; these unique qualities enable us to live in extremely varied conditions that would not otherwise be conceivable for life.

Human Physiology: Integrating Body Functions

Human physiology incorporates the various roles that cells, tissues, and organs play into the functioning of the living human person and connects the fundamental sciences with medicine. A wide range of control systems, ranging from complicated neurological and hormonal systems that regulate the functioning of cell tissues, organs, and the body as a whole to genes that program the creation of molecules, must communicate and coordinate in order to achieve this integration. Therefore, the human body's coordinated functions are far more than the sum of its components, and both good health and the absence of sickness depend on this overall function. This book primarily focuses on normal human physiology, but we will also touch on pathophysiology the study of abnormal bodily function and the foundation of clinical medicine to some extent.

Cells Are Living Units Of The Body 

The cell is the fundamental unit of life in the body. Every tissue or organ is made up of a variety of cells kept together by structures that support their intercellular relationships. Every kind of cell has a unique adaptation that allows it to carry out one or more specific tasks. For instance, each individual has over 25 trillion red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. The human body comprises approximately 35 to 40 trillion cells total, of which red blood cells are the most abundant. However, the body also contains trillions of other types of cells that serve different purposes from those of red blood cells. Although the body's numerous cells frequently differ greatly from one another, they all have some fundamental traits. For instance, oxygen combines with protein, fat, and carbohydrase to release energy needed by all cells to function. Moreover, all cells use essentially the same fundamental processes to convert nutrients into energy, and they also release the byproducts of their chemical activities into the surrounding fluid. The body contains more microorganisms than human cells. Trillions of microorganisms and human cells simultaneously. The microbiota, or communities of bacteria that dwell in the body, can cause diseases, but most of the time they coexist peacefully with humans and perform crucial tasks that are necessary for their hosts to survive. While the role of gut microbiota in food digestion is well known, the additional roles that microorganisms play in immunity, nutrition, and other bodily processes are still being fully understood and represent a rich field for scientific research.

The "Internal Environment" As The Extracellular Fluid

The fluid portion of an adult human body makes up between 50% and 70% of tons and other substances. While the majority of this fluid is found inside cells and is referred to as intracellular fluid, approximately one-third is found outside of cells and is referred to as extracellular fluid. Throughout the body, this extracellular fluid is constantly moving. It is quickly carried by the blood flowing and thereafter diffuses past capillary walls to mingle with the blood and tissue funds. The nutrients and ions required by the cells to remain alive are found in the extracellular fluid. The extracellular fluid serves as virtually the same habitat for every cell. Because of this, the extracellular fluid is also known as the body's internal milieu inner, a term coined by renowned French scientist Claude Bernard in the 19th century (1813-1878). As long as this interior environment contains the right amounts of oxygen, glucose, various ions, amino acids, fatty substances, and other components, cells can survive and carry out their unique activities.

The Distinctions Between Intracellular and Extracellular Fluids

There's a lot of salt in the extracellular fluid. along with nutrients for the cells, like oxygen, glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids, as well as ions like chloride and bicarbonate. Together with other cellular waste products that are transferred from the cells to the kidneys for elimination, it also contains carbon dioxide, which is expelled from the body through the lungs. The extracellular fluid contains sodium and chloride ions, whereas the intracellular fluid is primarily composed of potassium, magnesium, and phosphate ions. The variations in ion concentration between the external and intracellular fluids are preserved by unique processes for ions to be transported across cell membranes.

Homeostasis Maintenance of a Nearly Constant Internal Environment

The term "homeostasis" was first used in 1929 by American physiologist Walter Cannon (1871–1945) to refer to the preservation of almost constant conditions within the body. In essence, the body's tissues and organs carry out tasks that contribute to the maintenance of these comparatively stable conditions. For instance, the kidneys maintain steady ion concentrations, the lungs replace the oxygen needed by the cells in the extracellular fluid, and the gastrointestinal tract both supplies nutrients and removes waste from the body.  Even with significant variations in salt intake, the blood's sodium content is likewise strictly controlled, typically fluctuating just a few millimoles per liter. However, the variations in sodium concentration are at least a million times more than those in hydrogen ions. Despite large environmental variations and challenges from injury and disease, maintaining concentrations of sodium and hydrogen ions, as well as for the majority of other ions, nutrients, and substances in the body at levels that permit the cells, tissues, and organs to perform their normal functions, is a major topic of this text. The coordinated actions of cells, tissues, organs, and numerous neurological, hormonal, and local control systems are necessary for normal bodily processes. These systems all work together to maintain homeostasis and promote health.

Disease Related Homeostatic Compensations

It's common knowledge that disease is a condition of disturbed homeostasis. Yet, through a variety of compensatory mechanisms, homeostatic processes carry on and preserve essential activities even in the face of illness. In certain movies, these compensations can produce significant departures from normal ranges in the body's processes, making it challenging to discern between the disease's underlying cause and the compensatory reactions. For instance, conditions affecting the kidneys' capacity to eliminate water and salt can cause high blood pressure, which at first aids in bringing excretion back to normal so that an intake in between renal excretion can be maintained. This balance is necessary for survival, but over time, excessive blood pressure can harm the kidneys and other organs, causing more blood pressure spikes and damage to the kidneys. Therefore, homeostatic compensators that cause harm, illness, or environmental challenges to the body may be required trade-offs to preserve bodily processes but eventually lead to more abnormalities in bodily function.

Extracellular Fluid Transport and Mixing System The Blood Circulatory System

Extracellular Fluid Transport and Mixing System The Blood Circulatory System

The body moves extracellular fluid through two phases. The blood traveling through the blood arteries in the body is the first step. The flow of fluid between blood capillaries and the intracellular gaps between tissue cells is the second. The blood's general circulation. When the body is at rest, all the blood in the circulation goes through the entire circuit on average once every minute, but when an individual is highly active, this can happen up to six times each minute. The interstitial fluid, which fills the spaces between cells that are too big for blood to easily flow through capillaries, and the plasma component of the blood exchange extracellular fluid continuously as the blood travels through blood capillaries. As a result, a significant volume of fluid, together with its dissolved components, diffuses between the tissue gaps and the blood. The interstitial fluid and plasma molecules' kinetic mobility is what causes this diffusion process.

Arterial Termination

Diffusion of liquid and dissolved materials via the interstitial spaces and capillary walls That is, in the plasma and fluid in the intercellular spaces, as well as through capillary pores, the fluid and dissolved molecules are always traveling and bouncing in all directions. There are very few cells that are more than 50 micrometers away from a capillary, therefore practically any material can diffuse from the capillary to the cell in a matter of seconds. Therefore, the extracellular fluid in the body is constantly being mixed both the interstitial fluid and the plasma maintaining the extracellular fluid's homogeneity throughout the body.

Origin of the Extracellular Fluid Nutrients

The Respiratory System

Blood goes through the lungs each time it travels throughout the body. Alveoli are where the blood absorbs oxygen, giving the blood the oxygen that cells require. The alveolar membrane, which separates the pulmonary capillaries' lumen from the alveoli, is only 0.4 to 2.0 micrometers thick, and oxygen diffuses into the bloodstream through it very quickly by molecular mobility. The digestive tract. The walls of the gastrointestinal system also allow a significant amount of blood pumped by the heart to travel through them. Here, various dissolved nutrients were absorbed from food into the blood's extracellular fluid, such as fatty acids, amino acids, and carbs.

The liver and other organs primarily involved in metabolism

Not every material that is ingested from the digestive system is able to be utilized by the cells in the form that it was absorbed. Many of these compounds undergo chemical transformations in the liver that make them more utilizable, and many bodily tissues—such as fat cells, the gastrointestinal mucosa, the kidneys, and the endocrine glands—assist in altering the absorbed molecules or storing them until they are required. The solution is clear-cut and easy. The body could not move to get the foods needed for nutrition if it weren't for the muscles. Additionally, the musculoskeletal system offers motility to protect the body from harmful environments. Without this, the body's homeostatic systems and overall structure could be damaged.


The lungs' removal of carbon dioxide

The lungs' removal of carbon dioxide

The respiratory movement of air into and out of the lung’s transfers carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. This occurs at the same time as blood takes up oxygen in the lungs and releases carbon dioxide from the blood into lung alveoli. Among all the products of metabolism, carbon dioxide is the most prevalent.


The majority of other chemicals in plasma that are not required by cells are eliminated by the kidneys during blood flow through them, aside from carbon dioxide. These chemicals include excess ions and food water that builds up in the extracellular fluid, as well as other end products of cellular metabolism including urea and uric acid. The first way the kidneys work is by pushing massive amounts of plasma into the tubules via the glomerular capillaries. Substances that the body needs, like glucose, amino acids, the right quantity of water, and numerous ions, are subsequently reabsorbed into the blood. The majority of other chemicals that the body does not require, particularly metabolic waste products like creatinine and urea, are poorly reabsorbed and enter the urine through the renal tubules.

The digestive tract

Feces are the excretion of partially digested food particles and waste products from metabolism that enter the gastrointestinal tract.


Detoxification, or the elimination of ingested substances, is one of the liver's many roles. Many of these wastes are secreted by the liver into the bile, which is then eventually expelled in the stools.

Performance Regulation of the Body

nervous system. Three main components make up the nervous system: the motor put section, the central nervous system (or integrative portion), and the sensory input portion. The body's condition and its environment are detected via sensory receptors. For instance, anytime an object contacts our skin, sensors in the skin notify us. Our visual sense organs, the eyes, provide us with an image of the surrounding environment. An additional sense organ are the ears. The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. In addition to storing information, the brain also produces thoughts, inspires ambition, and controls the body's response to experiences. The nervous system's motor output section then transmits the proper impulses to fulfill one's desires. The autonomic nervous system is a significant portion of the nervous system. It functions at the subconscious level and regulates a variety of internal organ activities, such as the heart's degree of pumping activity, the gastrointestinal tract's movements, and the production of several body glands.

Endocrine Systems

Endocrine Systems

Endocrine glands, organs, and tissues are found throughout the body, and they secrete chemicals known as hormones. Extracellular fluid carries hormones to various regions of the body, where they aid in controlling cellular activity. Thyroid hormone, for instance, speeds up the majority of chemical events in all cells. Insulin regulates glucose metabolism, adrenocortical hormones regulate sodium and potassium ions, and protein metabolism, so aiding in regulating the pace of body activity. Both bone calcium and phosphate are regulated by parathyroid hormone. As a result, the hormones offer a regulatory framework to support the neurological system. While the hormonal system governs many metabolic processes, the neurological system is responsible for many muscular and secretory functions of the body. Almost all of the body's organ systems are under the coordinated control of the neurological and hormonal systems.

Protection of the Body

The immune system. The immune system defends the body against pathogens such bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. It is made up of white blood cells, tissue cells generated from white blood cells, the thymus, lymph nodes, and lymph veins. The immune system gives the body the ability to:

  1. Differentiate dangerous foreign chemicals and tissues from its own cells
  2. Eliminate the invader by producing lymphocytes, phagocytes, or specialized proteins (such as antibodies) that neutralize or destroy the invader.

Integumentary System

In general, the skin acts as a barrier between the body's interior environment and the outside world. It also covers, cushions, and protects the body's deeper systems and organs. These appendages include hair, nails, glands, and other structures.

Systems Of Control In The Body

Genetic control systems, which act in all cells to assist govern intracellular and extracellular processes, are among the most complex of these systems. For example, the respiratory system, which collaborates with the nervous system, controls the amount of carbon dioxide in extracellular fluid. The amount of glucose in the extracellular fluid is regulated by the pancreas and liver. and the kidneys control the extracellular fluid's amounts of hydrogen, salt, potassium, phosphate, and other substances.

The features of control systems

The body contains thousands of homeostatic regulatory systems, of which the aforementioned examples are just a small sample. As this section explains, these mechanisms have certain commonalities.

Negative Feedback Nature of Most Control Systems

Examining a few of the previously discussed homeostatic control systems can help to clarify how the majority of the body's control systems function: negative feedback. A high extracellular carbon dioxide concentration raises pulmonary ventilation in the regulation of carbon dioxide concentration. Because of this, the body releases more carbon dioxide through the lungs, lowering the concentration of carbon dioxide in the extracellular fluid. As a result, a high carbon dioxide concentration sets off a chain of actions that reduce the concentration toward normal, which is opposite of the stimulus that started it. On the other hand, if the concentration of carbon dioxide drops too low, feedback causes it to rise. This reaction to the initial stimulus is likewise negative.

Arterial Pressure Control: Negative Feedback Mechanisms

Within the systems responsible for controlling arterial pressure, either a high pressure or a low pressure will set off a chain of events that will result in an increase in pressure or a decrease in pressure. Regarding the initial stimulus, these consequences are unfavorable in both situations. Thus, in general, when a component gets too high or too low, a control system starts negative feedback, which is a sequence of adjustments that brings the factor back to a predetermined mean value, preserving homeostasis.

Acquired Control System Gain

The gain of negative feedback indicates the efficiency with which a control system keeps circumstances constant. Assume, for illustration, that a patient receiving a significant amount of blood transfusions has a malfunctioning baroreceptor pressure control system, causing their arterial pressure to increase from the typical range of 100 mm Hg to 175 mm Hg.
The benefits of the baroreceptor system pale in comparison to those of several other physiological control systems. One example is the gain of the system that regulates a person's internal body temperature while they are in somewhat chilly conditions. As a result, it is evident that the temperature control system outperforms the baroreceptor pressure control system in terms of effectiveness.

Positive Feedback May Cause Vicious Cycles and Death

Positive feedback is frequently referred to as a "vicious cycle," but it can occasionally be helpful in small doses. Positive reinforcement is occasionally used by the body to its advantage. Blood clotting is one important application of positive feedback. Multiple enzymes known as clotting factors are triggered within a clot that forms when a blood vessel rupture. More blood clotting is caused by some of these enzymes because they interact with other inactivated enzymes in the blood that is right next to them. This procedure keeps going until the vessel's hole is sealed off and bleeding stops. This system has the potential to overreact and result in the production of undesired clots. A clot that starts on the interior surface of an atherosclerotic plaque in a coronary artery and grows until the artery is blocked is actually what causes the majority of acute heart attacks. Another circumstance where receiving good feedback is beneficial is childbirth.

Childbirth and Nerve Signaling Mechanisms

Childbirth and Nerve Signaling Mechanisms

Stretching the cervix sends signals back to the uterus's body through the uterine muscle, intensifying the contractions when they get strong enough for the baby's head to start pushing through the cervix. The baby is born when this process reaches a sufficient level of power. The contractions normally stop and wait a few days to start again if they are not strong enough. The production of nerve signals is a significant additional application of positive feedback. A small amount of sodium ions leaks via sodium channels in the neural membrane and into the interior of the nerve fiber when the membrane of a nerve fiber is stimulated. The entry of sodium ions then alters the membrane potential, which leads to other channel openings, additional potential changes, additional channel openings, and so on. The nerve action potential is thus produced by a tiny leak turning into an explosion of sodium entering the nerve fiber's core. Additional action potentials are started when this action potential is torn, causing electrical current to flow both inside and outside the fiber. Up until the nerve signal reaches the fiber's end, this procedure keeps going.

Complex Feedback Mechanisms: Essential Body Functions

Every time constructive criticism is beneficial, it is a component of a larger negative feedback process. For instance, the positive feedback clotting mechanism in blood clotting is a negative feedback process that keeps blood volume normal. Additionally, the nerves' participation in thousands of negative feedback neurological control systems is made possible by the positive feedback that generates nerve signals. Further Adaptive and feed-forward control systems are examples of complex control systems.  A few are basic feedback mechanisms akin to those previously addressed. Not many are. For instance, some bodily motions happen so quickly that nerve impulses from the body's peripheral regions to the brain and back again are not able to reach in time to control the movement. Therefore, in order to trigger the necessary muscle contractions, the brain uses a process known as feed-forward control. The brain receives sensory nerve impulses from the moving components to determine if the movement is executed appropriately. If not, the next time a movement is needed, the brain modifies the feed-forward signals it delivers to the muscles. If additional adjustment is required, this process will be repeated for the remaining motions. We refer to this procedure as adaptive control. In a way, adaptive control is like delayed negative feedback. This illustrates how intricate the body's feedback control mechanisms may be. Everyone is essential to a person's life. As a result, a large portion of this article is devoted to discussing these vital systems.

Biological Disturbances

While many physiological variables, like potassium, calcium, and hydrogen tonnage in plasma, are strictly regulated, others, like body weight and adiposity, vary greatly between individuals and even within the same individual at different phases of life. Heart rate, blood pressure, and metabolic rate. Hormones, nervous system activity, and other physiological factors fluctuate throughout the day as we move around and go about our regular lives. Thus, when we talk about "normal" values, we do so with the knowledge that many of the body's control systems are always responding to disturbances, and that individual differences may exist based on a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, age, sex, body weight and height, diet, and other factors. Physiological functions are commonly discussed in terms of the "average" 70-kg young lean male for simplicity's sake. The average American male now weighs over 88 kg, while the average American female weighs over 76 kg, which is more than the average man did in the 1960s. The average American male no longer weighs an average of 70 kg. Over the past 40 to 50 years, body weight has significantly increased in the majority of other developed nations as well.

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