What is Pulsed Electromagnetic Energy, and How does it Work?




Physiotherapists have long employed varying electromagnetic fields due to their ability to create temperature effects on ions, dipoles, and insulator molecules. It is stated that short-wave diathermy can help treat a number of diseases, including osteoarthritis, where it is preferable to reduce pain and improve circulation. The fact that the thermal effect of short-wave diathermy is greatest in fatty tissue places significant restrictions on the quantity of energy that may be administered to the patient prior to thermal damage occurring. Applying a sub-thermal dose of shortwave can have positive benefits, which supports the theory that the electromagnetic field itself may have an impact on tissues. These days, there are several devices that generate electromagnetic radiation in pulses with the intention of promoting non-thermal tissue healing. The majority function at 27.12 MHz, which is also the frequency of short-wave diathermy. This has resulted in the widespread, if slightly inaccurate, phrase "pulsed shortwave." Again, there are a variety of operating parameters for these machines, so the therapist must have a basic comprehension of the output that the equipment is producing.


This includes a variable number of intermediate steps from 25 Hz to 600 Hz.

Pulse width

The shortest pulse width is 20 µs, while the longest is 40 ms (where us stands for one millionth of a second and ms for one thousandth of a second). However, one of the more widely used units only has a single, set pulse width of 65 µs.

Strength and extent of infiltration

This needs to be adjusted via pulse width and frequency adjustments on some systems. There are power controls available on various devices that allow you to adjust the output of each pulse from 293 watts (one inch of penetration) to 975 watts (six inches of penetration).

Rest period

This is dependent on the frequency and pulse width that are chosen. For instance, if a treatment is to be administered with 975 watts of electricity with pulse widths of 65 us at 600 Hz, the rest time would be 1600 µs, and the treatment/rest ratio would be 1:25. Because there are lengthy rest intervals between the 975 watt energy bursts, the average power for the entire treatment duration is only 38 watts. A slight thermal effect could be achieved by employing a high frequency and a lengthy pulse width, although one may argue that this negates the purpose of pulsed electromagnetic therapy.


The relative positions of the ions on either side of a typical cell membrane allow the electrical potential across the membrane to remain between -60 and 90 millivolts. In injured cells, this potential could be as low as -40 mv, which could negatively impact the regular exchanges that take place across the cell membrane. It is hypothesized that when applied to a damaged cell, a pulsed electromagnetic field may provide the "push" to get the system going (a common biological and electrical phenomenon), allowing the cell membrane potential to return to 60 mv even though the energy in the field is far from the potential of the cell. For the cell to carry out its metabolic functions and to permit amino acids and other molecules to pass across the membrane and be used in the synthesis of new proteins, a normal potential is required. This is a crucial step in the healing process, and results from several experiments indicate that pulsed electromagnetic energy may help reduce damage and speed up the healing process.


Since there is no risk of thermal harm, pulsed electromagnetic fields are very safe, although pregnant women and patients with cardiac pacemakers should use caution when receiving treatment.


The area that has to be treated is directly in touch with the single treatment head. After setting the parameters, the therapy was initiated. Resonance is indicated by the brightest light on the treatment head in certain systems, which also have a tuning knob on the head itself. There is no need for a warning or sensation test because the patient is not feeling anything. Depending on the stage of the ailment being treated, treatment durations can be changed. This modality is currently attracting a lot of interest, and there are numerous opportunities for double-blind research investigations.



Electromagnetic waves with wavelengths between 750 and 400000 nm are known as infra-red rays. Infrared rays are released by hot objects such as the sun, gas, coal, electric, and hot water pipes. Physiotherapy departments use a variety of infrared generators, all of which are built to abide by DHSS rules. The luminous and non-luminous generators are the two primary categories. Only infrared radiation is produced by non-luminous generators; infrared, visible, and some ultra-violet light are also released by luminous generators. Using a luminous generator to treat someone is commonly referred to as "radiant heat," with radiation from non-luminous sources being referred to as "infra-red." These words are actually deceptive because both types of generators use  infrared radiation, which emits heat-producing radiation.

Non-luminous power sources

A basic form of infrared radiation source is a wire coil wound around an insulating material cylinder, like fireclay or porcelain. This element has resemblance to the element of a radiant electric fire. Heat is produced when an electric current flows through the wire. Both the hot wire and the fireclay material, which heats through conduction, release infrared radiation. This kind of element is not entirely "non-luminous," as some visible rays are also produced in addition to infrared ones, and a red glow is apparent when the element is heated. Typically, the wire coil is inserted into the fireclay or positioned behind a fireclay plate. The fireclay, which is often painted black, is then the only source of ray emission, and very few rays that are visible are created. A screw-cap device connects both kinds of elements to the circuit, and they are positioned at the center of a parabolic or slightly curved spherical reflector. The reflector is positioned according to need as it is fixed on a stand.

Infrared Radiation Emission: Efficient Non-Luminous Lighting

A third kind of non-luminous generator is made of a steel tube with a diameter of about 8 mm that has a spiral of wire embedded in an electrical insulator that effectively conducts heat. Heat is produced when current flows through the center wire and is then transferred to the steel tube, which emits infrared radiation, via the insulator. After being bent into two or three big twists, the tube is installed in an appropriate reflector. All non-luminous elements take some time to heat up to the point when they begin to emit light at their strongest. The first type's components, which directly release rays from the wires, take roughly five minutes, whereas the others, depending on the structure, take ten or fifteen. Therefore, lights need to be turned on at the proper moment before they are needed.


Every lamp should be built such that the reflectors and other components don't get overly hot when in use, and a wire guard is a must to avoid accidental contact with the element. Infrared rays with wavelengths ranging from 15000 nm to 750 nm, or less if some visible rays are released, are produced by non-luminous elements. The emission reaches its peak at 4000 nm.

Luminous generators

One or more incandescent lights generate the rays that are released from the luminous generators. An incandescent light fixture comprises a glass bulb with a wire filament inside, which can either be low-pressure or evacuated. Tungsten is typically used for the filament because it can withstand repeated heating and cooling cycles. The filament is a coil of tiny wire. By keeping air out, the filament is kept from oxidizing, which could lead to the formation of an opaque deposit inside the bulb. Heat is produced when an electric current flows through the filament, along with some visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light. The majority of the rays in the spectrum, which spans 350 to 4000 nm, have wavelengths in the vicinity of 1000 nm. In order to block out shorter visible and ultraviolet rays, light bulbs frequently have red fronts.

Depth of penetration of rays

The wavelength and composition of the material both affect how far electromagnetic radiation can penetrate. Infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light can all pass through human skin, as can their approximate depth of penetration.

infrared therapy

Methods of infrared therapy

Selection of Equipment

Both luminous and non-luminous generators can be used in various situations, although occasionally one works better than the other. The calming impact of the non-luminous generator's rays may be more helpful in alleviating pain in cases of acute inflammation or recent injury than the counter-irritant effect of the luminous source's rays. The shorter beams' counter-irritating action may be beneficial for more persistent lesions; in these cases, a bright generator is selected. Pick the generator that will work best for the region that needs to be treated. A lamp with a single element placed in a reflector is sufficient for irradiating a single surface of the body; however, a tunnel bath is more effective for treating many areas.

Preparation of the patient

Clothing is removed from the affected part and at the first attendance skin sensation to heat and cold is tested. Should the sensation be defective it is unwise to apply the treatment; apart from the patient's inability to appreciate positive over-heating, the vasomotor response in the affected area is likely to be less than in a normal one, so that heat is not carried away so rapidly. The patient is warned that he should experience comfortable warmth, and that he should report immediately if the heating becomes excessive, as undue heat may cause a burn, and also that he should not touch the lamp or move nearer to it. To prevent him from moving excessively while receiving therapy, the patient has to be at ease and well supported.

Lamp and patient arrangement

To ensure optimal absorption, the lamp is positioned opposite the center of the region to be treated, allowing the rays to reach the skin at a straight angle. It is important to gauge the lamp's distance from the patient. Usually, it is 50 or 75 centimeters, depending on the generator's output. It is important to protect the patient's face from infrared radiation. if it's protected. unable to prevent radiation exposure to the face, the eyes must be

Implementing infrared therapy

The radiation intensity should be minimal when the exposure first starts, but it may be increased after 5 to 10 minutes once vasodilatation has occurred and the increased blood flow has been stable. This can be accomplished by adjusting the variable resistance or by moving the lamp closer to the patient. Throughout the treatment session, the physiotherapist should remain available and should lower the radiation intensity if the heat is too intense. Sweating is preferable if the radiation exposure is high in order to offset any excessive rise in body temperature. If the patient is given water to drink throughout the procedure, sweating is encouraged. The skin ought to be red after the exposure. yet not unduly so. The patient shouldn't abruptly get out of bed after receiving a lot of radiation therapy or go outside right away.

Treatment duration and frequency

10-to 15-minute exposure is sufficient for the treatment of wounds, acute inflammation, and recent trauma; it can be applied multiple times a day. Chronic conditions may benefit from longer exposure times.

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