Muscle Contraction: Mechanisms, Energetics, and Fiber Types

The amount of overlap between the actin and myosin filaments determines the tension that the contracting muscle develops. The impact of myosin-actin filament overlap and sarcomere length on the active tension generated by a contracting muscle fiber. The myosin and actin filaments overlap to varying degrees at varying sarcomere lengths, as seen on the right. There is no actin-myosin overlap at point D on the diagram, where the actin filament has pushed out to the end of the myosin filament. The tension that the engaged muscle has created up to this moment is zero. The tension then gradually rises as the sarcomere shortens and the actin filament starts to cross across the myosin filament, resulting in a sarcomere length reduction to roughly 2.2 micrometers. Though it hasn't yet reached the myosin filament's center, the actin filament has already crossed over all of the filament's cross-bridges. Up until point B is achieved, at a sarcomere length of roughly 2 micrometers, the sarcomere continues to maintain full tension by additional shortening. At this moment, the myosin filaments start to overlap as well as the ends of the two actin filaments start to overlap. The strength of contraction rapidly declines when the sarcomere length drops from 2 micrometers to around 1.65 micrometers at point A. The ends of the myosin filaments are now surrounded by the two Z disks of the sarcomere. The ends of the myosin filaments collapse as contraction continues to shorter sarcomere lengths, and the contraction strength eventually approaches zero, but the sarcomere has now contracted to its shortest length.
Effect of Muscle Length on Whole Intact Muscle Contraction Force
That curve and the top curve are similar, but the upper curve represents the tension of an entire, intact muscle rather than just one muscle fiber. The sarcomeres in various muscle regions do not always contract to the same extent, and the muscle as a whole contains a significant quantity of connective tissue. As a result, the curve's dimensions fluctuate somewhat from those displayed for each individual muscle fiber, but its basic slope throughout the usual range of contraction is still the same.The muscle contracts upon activation with the approximate maximal force of contraction when it is at its usual resting length, or at a sarcomere length of around 2 micrometers. However, once the muscle is stretched beyond its typical length that is, to a sarcomere length greater than roughly 2.2 micrometers the rise in tension that happens during contraction, known as active tension, reduces. The arrow's reduced length at a muscle length higher than normal serves as an example of this phenomena.Relationship between Contraction Velocity and Load
Skeletal muscle contractions occur quickly when they happen without any force; an average muscle will contract fully in 0.1 seconds. When loads are applied, the contraction's velocity gradually drops as the force rises. Even when the muscle fiber is activated, there is no contraction when the load is increased to the greatest force that the muscle is capable of producing. This is indicated by a zero contraction velocity. Because a load on a contracting muscle is a reverse force that opposes the contractile force produced by muscle contraction, the contraction velocity decreases with load. Consequently, there is a commensurate decrease in the net force that can induce the velocity of shortening.THE MUSCLE CONTRACTION ENERGETICS
Efficiency of Muscle Contraction
A muscle does work when it contracts against a load. In order to lift an object higher or get beyond resistance to movement, work requires the transfer of energy from the muscle to the external load. Work is defined mathematically by the following equation:
where W denotes the work output, L the load, and D the movement distance
against the load. The chemical processes that occur in the muscle cells during
contraction provide the energy needed to complete the task, as will be
discussed in the sections that follow.
Three Energy Sources for Muscle Contracture
The walk-along process, which causes the actin filaments to be pulled by the
cross-bridges, uses the majority of the energy needed for muscular contraction.
However, tiny quantities are needed for the following: 
- Pumping sodium and potassium ions through the muscle fiber membrane to maintain the proper ionic environment for the propagation of muscle fiber action potentials.
- Pumping calcium ions from the sarcoplasm into the sarcoplasmic reticulum once the contraction is over. The muscle fiber's 4 millimolar ATP content is enough to sustain maximal contraction for a maximum of 1 to 2 seconds.
- ADP is created when ATP is split, and this energy is then sent to the muscle fiber's contracting apparatus.
Energy Sources for ATP Regeneration Process
Within a fraction
of a second, the ADP is then rephosphorylated to create fresh ATP, enabling the
muscle to contract further. This rephosphorylation gets its energy from three
Phosphocreatine, a material with a high-energy phosphate bond resembling the
bonds of ATP, is the first source of energy needed to reconstitute ATP.
Phosphocreatine's high-energy phosphate link possesses a somewhat greater free
energy than each ATP bond. As a result, phosphocreatine cleaves
instantaneously, and the energy it releases induces a new phosphate ion to
connect with ADP, reconstituting the ATP. But the total phosphocreatine content
of the muscle fiber is likewise quite low roughly five times that of ATP.
Role of Glycolysis in Muscle Contraction
A muscle's maximum muscular contraction can only be produced for 5 to 8 seconds by the combined energy of its stored ATP and phosphocreatine. The second significant energy source is the breakdown of glycogen that has been stored in muscle cells. This process is known as glycolysis, and it is utilized to replenish both ATP and phosphocreatine. Energy needed to convert ADP to ATP is released during the quick enzymatic breakdown of glycogen to pyruvic acid and lactic acid. ATP can then be used directly to power further muscular contraction and to reorganize phosphocreatine reserves. This glycolysis process is significant in two ways. First, even in the absence of oxygen, glycolytic reactions can take place, allowing muscles to contract for many seconds or even longer than a minute. This is possible even in situations where blood oxygen delivery is unavailable. Secondly, the rate at which ATP is formed by glycolysis is roughly 2.5 times faster than the rate at which ATP is formed when food in cells reacts with oxygen. But after roughly a minute, glycolysis loses its ability to maintain maximal muscular contraction because so many of its byproducts build up in muscle cells.
Role of Oxidative Metabolism in Muscular Energy
Oxidative metabolism, the third and last source of energy, involves mixing oxygen with several other cellular nutrients and glycolysis end products to release ATP. Oxidative metabolism provides the muscles with almost 95% of the energy needed for prolonged, sustained contraction. Protein, lipids, and carbs are the foods that are eaten. The majority of energy during prolonged periods of maximum muscle activity many hours comes from fats; yet, during intervals of two to four hours, stored carbohydrates may provide up to half of the energy. Furthermore, the significance of the various energy release mechanisms during the performance of various sports reduces the conversion efficiency to nearly zero. On the other hand, excessively quick contractions waste a lot of energy trying to overcome internal viscous friction in the muscle, which also lowers contraction efficiency. Generally, gasimua efficiency happens when the contraction velocity is roughly 30% of its maximum.
Features of the whole muscle contraction
Single-muscle twitches can be used to illustrate a variety of aspects of muscle
contraction. This can be achieved either by electrically stimulating the muscle
to produce a single, abrupt contraction that lasts only a few seconds, or by
applying a brief electrical stimulus directly to the muscle. While isotonic
contractions shorten muscle under a constant tension, isometric contractions do
not shorten muscle. When a muscle contracts isometrically that is, without
shortening or isotonically that is, when the muscle shortens but the stress on
it does not change during the contraction. Mechanisms to record the two kinds
of contractions of the muscles. As seen in the bottom panel, the muscle
contracts in the isometric system against a force transducer without shortening
the muscle. The top panel depicts a muscle lifting a weight to demonstrate how
the muscle shortens in the isotonic system against a fixed load. The load that
the muscle contracts against and the load's inertia determine the features of
an isotonic contraction. On the other hand, the isometric approach measures
variations in muscle contraction force without regard to load inertia. As a result,
the isometric system is frequently employed for contrasting the functional
traits of various muscle groups. 
Features of Isometric Twitches Captured from Various Muscles
Skeletal muscle
sizes in the human body range from the microscopic stapedius muscle in the
middle ear, which is only a few millimeters long and around one millimeter in
diameter, to the enormous quadriceps muscle, which is a half-millionth of the
stapedius's size. In addition, the diameter of the fibers might range from 10 micrometers to 80 micrometers.
Lastly, there are significant differences in the energetics of muscular
contraction between different muscles. It follows that the mechanical
properties of muscular contraction vary between muscles.
Three different skeletal muscle types have isometric contractions:
- The gastrocnemius muscle, which has a contraction duration of roughly 1/15 second, the soleus muscle, which has a contraction duration of roughly 1/5 second, and the ocular muscle, which has a contraction duration of less than 1/50 second.
- These contraction times are perfectly tailored to the ways that the corresponding muscles work. To ensure accurate vision, the eyes must remain fixed on particular things through extremely quick ocular motions.
- The soleus muscle is primarily concerned with gradual contraction for continuous, long-term support of the body against gravity, whereas the gastrocnemius muscle must contract moderately quickly to give sufficient velocity of limb movement for running and jumping.
Muscle Fibers: Fast vs. Slow
All of the body's muscles are made up of a combination of what are known as
fast and slow muscle fibers, with other fibers falling in between these two
extremes. Fast fibers make up the majority of the fast fibers found in muscles
that contract quickly, such as the anterior tibialis. Slow fibers are seen in
smaller quantities. On the other hand, slow fibers make up the majority of
muscles that contract slowly but for a longer period of time, such the soleus.
The ensuing sections detail the distinctions between these two kinds of fibers.
Red muscle type 1 slow fibers. The subsequent items are
- Slow fibers are smaller than quick fibers, which is one of their properties.
- Smaller nerve fibers can also innervate slow fibers.
- Compared to rapid fibers, slow fibers have a larger blood channel network and more capillaries to provide more oxygen.
- Slow fibers may sustain high levels of oxidative metabolism because they contain a significantly higher number of mitochondria.
- Myoglobin, an iron-containing protein akin to hemoglobin in red blood cells, is abundant in slow fibers. In addition to combining with oxygen and storing it until needed, myoglobin accelerates the transfer of oxygen to the mitochondria. The sluggish muscle appears reddish due to the presence of myoglobin; therefore, the term "red muscle."
Quick Fibers (White Muscle, Type II). Fast fibers have the qualities listed below:
- Large fast fibers allow for a strong contraction.
- The large sarcoplasmic reticulum seen in fast fibers allows for the quick release of calcium ions, which starts contraction.
- Fast fibers contain high concentrations of glycolytic enzymes, which enable the glycolytic process to release energy quickly.
- Because oxidative metabolism is less important than slow metabolism, fast fibers have a smaller blood supply than slow fibers.
- Because oxidative metabolism is secondary, fast fibers have fewer mitochondria than slow fibers. White muscle is the term for fast muscle that lacks red myoglobin.